Ah, an unusual visitor returns to the top rugby field - a creature wearing a very cosy fur coat, with a great liking for grass!
The Llama lives quite close by and breaks out occasionally, looking for pastures new.
The Llama lives quite close by and breaks out occasionally, looking for pastures new.
Some time ago Julie posted photos of her wonderful studio shelf, which reminded me of my shelf below (although it's not in a studio). My brother made it over a decade ago, using old wood reclaimed from a school building. Over the years 'stuff' has accumulated in it and upon it!
The painted earthenware plate comes from Haiti.
Lucky horse shoes propped against the wall and a lovely canvas by Viv
The little plasticine 'cat' clutching a battery was made by my eldest daughter
The little plasticine 'cat' clutching a battery was made by my eldest daughter
when she was really young (pre-school), she also made the red heart - using the wax from one of those little circular French cheeses!
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